Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weedless Wdnesday

You can tell from the following picture that I've been busy, weeding the garden. I weeded for about an hour & got two rows done before I had to quit. There's still a lot to be done, but it's a start.

I also picked up some gardening shoes today. Now, I am generally against the whole idea of Crocs (except for the little baby ones - those are so cute!) but I needed some shoes that I can just hose off. These were $9.00, so I gritted my teeth & bought them.

In general, I'm not too happy with how things are growing so far. The veggies in the garden are growing painfully slow, and I think it's because of the really bad soil we got. Matt picked up some Miracle Grow yesterday, so I'll be dousing the garden this week. Maybe that will help.

We had our first garden casualty already. The sweet peas didn't make it. I think they got too much direct sunlight, and not enough water. Even though it hasn't been too hot (until today), it seems that the direct sun for most of the day was too much for them.
Yellow/brown pea plants = not a good sign. It tried to move these guys back under the porch, but it was too late.
I'll be pulling out the deceased peas & replanting them... in a better spot with more water & less sun.

Happy Gardening!

1 comment:

Mary said...

RIP pea plants. :( So sad. I'm worried my container garden getting scorched, or the plants uprooting themselves and heading for cooler spots. But I love Ty and the Nintendo DS; of course, I call it a gameboy.