Thursday, February 7, 2008


Is there anything worse than being 33 weeks pregnant & being sick while NOT being able to take off work? It seems I have caught the Creepin' Crud. It started on Sunday & is just now beginning to pass... sort of.

I have not let this stuff slow me down too much. I've been dragging myself through my daily therapy sessions, then coming home and going straight to bed (or to the couch with my big fluffy blanket). What have I been doing whilst on the couch? Not sleeping. (Who could sleep with this awful cough?) I've bee knitting. And spinning. And felting. Oh my!

I have no pictures today because, well, that would just take too much effort, but here's what I've done lately:

  • Finished stitching & felting the body parts for 5 birds.
  • Knitted several additional blocks onto Sweet Pea's blanket... I think it's actually getting bigger! (... the baby and the blanket)
  • Started, frogged, started, frogged and started a baby sock. I couldn't find a pattern I liked, so I'm winging it. I actually got to just past the gusset decreases (yay!) when I discovered that I had dropped a stitch in the heel turn (boo!) and ended up having to rip all the way back to the leg (Double-Boo!). I got caught back up last night & am now cruising through the foot. (Wouldn't it be great if everyone's feet were so small???)
  • Finished spinning about half of the bag of roving that's been collecting dust for the longest time. I'm definitely beginning to get the rhythm down, but I think my twist is way too tight. And with the end in sight I'm getting a little jumpy about the whole plying thing... we'll see how it goes.
  • Dragged myself to the fabric store to scout some sewing patterns for baby clothes & nursery items. Decided not to buy any materials as we currently have no baby to dress, no nursery to organize/decorate, and no time to haul out the sewing machine anyway. These projects may have to wait until maternity leave to get done.
...And that's about it. Work is keeping me busy... as is the Big Basement Remodel (which has hit a snag with Matt working late hours and my being sick...). We're starting to get really excited, though. We have only seven (that's 7, SEVEN, seven, seven) weeks until our due date! In another 3 or 4 weeks, I'll be completely freaking out about everything that we have to do and buy to get ready.. but for now I'm content to sit on my couch & knit. And sniffle. And cough.

How long is this cold going to last anyway?

1 comment:

IndigoMuse said...

I highly recommend a vaporizer with some eucalyptus oil in the vapor cup at night. Helps you breathe and get all of that stuff out of your system. Feel better soon.