Monday, November 26, 2007

A Special Day...

Five years ago today, this little guy was born...

Two days later (on Thanksgiving Day) we brought him home...
I cannot believe Ty is FIVE YEARS OLD today. Didn't he just arrive yesterday???

He was very excited to have his birthday party on Saturday, and was practically buzzing with excitement when he woke up this morning. He ran into our room and asked (very loudly), "Mommy, am I 5 today?" He then jumped up and down and clapped his hands when I confirmed that, yes he is, in fact, five now.

I'm a little more weepy about this birthday than I usually am. I blame it on the pregnancy hormones, though I suspect it's really just because I can't believe how quickly he's growing up. On one hand I'm so excited to see the great person that he is becoming, and on the other, I wish desperately that we could slow time down... just for a bit... to give me a few more moments to enjoy and savor.

Ugh... I need another tissue.


IndigoMuse said...

Happy belated birthday, Ty! Oh my gosh, does that mean he'll start school next year? Where DID the time go?

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday Ty!